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AG101: Agile Processes
ES 101: Estimations Primer
BA 105: Role of Business Analyst in User Acceptance Testing
BA 103: Moving from QA to BA
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Mukul Madan
Ingo Philipp
Shyama Chakraborty
Philip Hearsum

On Demand Webinars

Webinar: BA 102: Role of Business Analyst in Agile Environment

Dated: 05 Apr 2011
Validity: 1 Month
Duration: 120 Minutes
Price: Free

Participants from India click here to make payment


In the pursuit of achieving true agility in delivering software solutions that adapt quickly to changing business needs, organizations are increasingly adopting Agile methodologies. This increasing popularity of Agile methodologies has led to many changes in the role of Business Analyst so much so that the concept of Agile Business Analyst is gaining immense popularity.  

In case of agile development analysis is not a phase so it doesn’t have a definite start and end, it starts when the project starts and ends with project closure as, at each iteration/ sprint analysis role comes in. Agile practices have led to a shift away from traditional waterfall approaches towards iterative and incremental delivery. This shift impacts the techniques and timing needed to enable the delivery of valuable software and thus impacts the way Business Analyst functions.

This webinar is aimed towards making the Business Analysts aware of changes that Agile Methodologies will have on the Business Analysis function and how they should adapt to sail through this change.


The webinar will help the participants in gaining understanding of:

    • The Agile Principles & popular Agile Methodologies
    • Impact of Key Agile Principles on the role of Business Analyst
    • Role of a BA in SCRUM

Webinar Outline

The webinar would cover the following main areas:

  • Overview to Agile Principles
  • Introduction to popular Agile Methodologies
  • Key Agile Principles that Impact Business Analysis
  • What is expected from Business Analysts in Agile Environment
  • Overview of the changes in roles, skills, and competencies for business analysts
  • Understanding the SCRUM lifecycle and the role of BA

Who Should Attend

This webinar would be useful for:

    • Anyone who is performing the role of Business Analysis specially in an Agile environment
    • Business Analyst/ Information Systems Analyst / Application or Information Architect / Systems Analyst/ Designer /Project Manager / Software Developer / Tester


  • None

Suggested Pre-Readings

  • None

The Live Webinar System Requirements

The video & audio segments of the Webinar's are accessed independently. We will be using a system called Adobe Connect to conduct the video segment of the Webinar. You will NOT have to download any software.

Participants from India click here to make payment

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