Dr. Roger S. Pressman is a software engineering guru. For over 30 years, he has worked as a software engineer, a manager, a professor, an author, and a consultant, focusing on software engineering issues.
Dr. Pressman has designed and developed products that are used worldwide for software engineering training and process improvement—Essential Software Engineering , the industry's most comprehensive video curriculum in software engineering, and Process Advisor, the industry's first self-directed software process improvement product.
Process Advisor is a simple, yet powerful, self-directed system, for software process improvement. The Process Advisor user base is growing throughout the US and internationally. Process Advisor user base includes software organizations in the area of information systems, technology organizations, engineering and scientific software builders, real-time and embedded software developers, and consulting firms. Process Advisor users include organizations such as AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Cisco Systems, Motorola, NASDAQ, Nokia Data Communications, Ernst & Young, Prudential Asset Management, Software Engineering Institute, Wordperfect Corporation, Unisys, and Software Productivity Consortium. More…
Dr. Pressman has also developed the Adaptable Process Model (APM). The APM is intended as a basis from which an organization can develop a customized software process based on specific project needs. |