During the software development process, errors are inevitably introduced and some of them are even amplified as a project progresses. To detect these errors so that they can be removed, we need to test the software.
The success of testing depends on the test cases used. Considering that most software projects are delivered in a limited time span using fixed resources, effective test cases must be used to optimize the available resources. In addition, it is important to plan for testing, otherwise it is likely to be skipped or performed in a haphazard fashion.
Software Testing Course includes:
- An Introduction to Software Testing
- Test Case Design Techniques
- Software Testing Strategies
This software testing course has been co-authored by the internationally recognized consultant and authority on software engineering—Dr. Roger S. Pressman.
Course Benefits
This software testing course will enable you to:
- Explain the importance, objectives, principles, and limitations of software testing.
- Explain the need for test case design, two broad approaches for it, and the commonly used white-box and black-box techniques for designing test cases.
- Explain the aspects involved in planning for software testing and in selecting the test strategy for a software project.
You receive a certificate of completion after successfully completing this course.
Content Brief
Software Testing (SE500) course is a series comprising of 3 online courses (SE501 to SE502). Please refer to the details of these courses for information on content coverage of the Software Testing course.